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The Watchman’s Calling!

Writer's picture: R. GambrellR. Gambrell

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba YA'OH is calling his children to be a Watchman for him. We must warn the people so that All can turn back to his Way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It is an awesome privilege to represent YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, and warn others of things to come.

The month of Abib starts the begining of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YA'OH’s New Year! He is the one who determines when it begins.

• Please read Wayiqra | Leviticus Chapter 23 so that you know what YA'OH expects his children to do during these Feast days.

• We no longer have the animal sacrifices and the Temple requirements at Yaroshalam | 𐤉𐤓𐤅𐤔𐤋𐤌, in Ya’ohsharal.

• Our Savior Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, is our Anointed King and High Priest, as well as our Passover | Pesach!

Photo by Pixabay on

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind with signs and wonders. Is He calling you to have His sign upon you? Do you belong to Him?

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 22:14 את.

These are 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | Ya’ohshai words! As quoted by the Cepher Publishing Group.

It’s interesting to report, some who are Bible decoders state it is now time to Repent! Warning the prophecy in Zachar-Ya’oh | ZakarYahu | Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

War between The U.S. & Iran…B1 Bombers leading to Nuclear confrontation.

“Then I turned, and lifted up my eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. And he said unto me, What do you see? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth: for everyone that steals is innocent according to her; and everyone that swears is innocent according to her. I will bring her forth, says YA'OH of Hosts | YAHUAH TSEVA’OTH, and she shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that swears falsely by my name: and she shall remain in the midst of this house, and she shall finish it, את eth-its timber and את eth-its stones. Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now your eyes, and see what is this that goes forth.” Zachar-Ya’oh | ZAKARYAHU (ZECHARIAH) 5:1-5 את Cepher Publishing Group.

As a reminder, Shin’ar, biblically speaking, refers to the Babylonian region known today as Iraq, whereas the region called Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

“AND Nimrod son of Kush was still in the land of Shin’ar, and he reigned over it and dwelt there, and he built cities in the land of Shin’ar. And these are the names of the four cities which he built, and he called their names after the occurrences that happened to them in the building of the tower. And he called the first Babel, saying, Because YA'OH | YAHUAH there confounded the language of the whole earth; and the name of the second he called Erek, because from there ALA'AYM | ELOHIYM dispersed them. And the third he called Akkad, saying there was a great battle at that place; and the fourth he called Kalneh, because his princes and mighty men were consumed there, and they vexed YA'OH | YAHUAH, they rebelled and transgressed against him. And when Nimrod had built these cities in the land of Shin’ar, he placed in them the remainder of his people, his princes and his mighty men that were left in his kingdom. And Nimrod dwelt in Babel, and he there renewed his reign over the rest of his subjects, and he reigned securely, and the subjects and princes of Nimrod called his name Amraphel, saying that at the tower his princes and men fell through his means.” YASHAR (JASHER) 11:1-6 את CEPHER

• The U.S. has built an Embassy in Iraq and has already fought wars there pertaining to 9-11-2001 as well as against ISIS.

“And I said, What is it? And he said, This is the measure that goes forth. He said moreover, This is how they appear through all the earth. And, behold, there was lifted up a disk of lead: and there a fire sits in the midst of the measure. And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the measure; and he cast את eth-the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. Then lifted I up my eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two of them, the wind in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up their measure between the earth and the heavens. Then said I to the angel that talked with me, where are they causing את eth-the measure to go? And he said unto me, To build it a house in the land of Shin’ar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.” Zachar-Ya’oh | ZAKARYAHU (ZECHARIAH) 5:6-11 את Cepher Publishing Group.

Please notice, Ya’ohdah Ban Dor has updated and posted his third article on:

Brought By Ships: Part 3. He hid you in plain sight. Please watch it.

Posted in To Abba YA'OH.

◦ Tagged YA'OH calls his children to be a Watchman. We should warn the people of coming events.

“And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:7 את Cepher Publishing Group.

JANUARY 15, 2021


One of the Ten Foundational Commandments often overlooked is To Love each other! And Why is it so important? Because it comes from our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH!

The following applies to our love for our Creator. Our Love for Him would move us to give Him Exclusive Devotion and never worship idols or pagan “gods”.

“AND ELOHIYM | ALA’AYM spoke את eth all these words, saying, I am YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM, which have brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other elohiym before me.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:1-3 את Cepher Publishing Group.

Photo by Alex Azabache on

“You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM am a jealous EL, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and guard my commandments. You shall not take את eth-the name of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA| your ALA’AYM in vain; for YAHUAH will not hold him guiltless את eth that takes את eth-his name in vain.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:4-7 את Cepher Publishing Group.

This next Commandment shows our willingness to live our lives by His schedule because we love Him and want to obey Him.

“Remember את eth-the day of the Shabbath, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labour, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the Shabbath of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA| your ALA’AYM in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: For in six days YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH made את eth-the heavens and את eth-the earth, את eth-the sea, and את eth-all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH blessed את eth-the day of Shabbath, and hallowed it.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:8-11 את Cepher Publishing Group.

What follows are the Commandments that prove our love for each other!

“Honour את eth-your father and את eth-your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA| your ALA’AYM gives you. You shall not kill. You shall not break wedlock. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. You shall not lust after your neighbour’s house, you shall not lust after your neighbour’s woman, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbour’s. And all the people saw את eth-the thunderings, and את eth-the lightnings, and את eth-the noise of the shofar, and את eth-the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Mashah | Mosheh, Speak with us, and we will hear: but let not ALA'AYM | ELOHIYM speak with us, lest we die. And Mosheh said unto the people, Fear not: for ELOHIYM | ALA’AYM  is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. And the people stood afar off, and Mosheh drew near unto the thick darkness where ALA'AYM | ELOHIYM was.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:10-21 את Cepher Publishing Group.

• The Father and I are one.” “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and bring everything to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.” John 10:30 & 14:26. Cepher Publishing Group.

YA'OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, & Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, are the original Ancient Ghabaray Hebrew Names!

• YA'OH | Yahuah | יהוה, & Ya'ohshai | Yahusha | יהושע, were the best we could do using modern Masoretic Hebrew pronunciation rules, which alienated us from our goal of keeping all of The Commandments Our Heavenly Father YA'OH gave us!

“A wise man learns and gains wisdom; a man of understanding seeks wise counsel. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:5 & 7)

• Thaiodahs are testimonial scriptures aligned with the Torah of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘YA'OH’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה as rendered in the present day Hebrew?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father YA'OH has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba YA'OH listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba YA'OH wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m! (the "ha" is silent, therefore not pronounced; just like the 2 "H's" in the Hebrew name of YHWH | hence YA'OH)

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of ALA'AYM | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Thorah | Torah and testimony written down for Ya'ohshai | Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Thorah | Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon (Rosh Chodesh) of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When "Jesus" died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba YA'OH.

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father YA'OH..

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba YA'OH calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.


• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind through signs and wonders. Is He calling you to receive His sign and belong to Him?

“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14.

Some Bible decoders believe it’s time to repent, as the prophecy in Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

There’s also a war between the U.S. and Iran, with B-1 bombers leading to a nuclear confrontation.

In Zechariah Chapter 5, a flying roll is described, measuring twenty cubits in length and ten cubits in breadth. It’s said to be a curse over the entire earth, where everyone who steals or swears falsely is innocent. The angel who spoke to the prophet then said to lift up his eyes and see what was going forth.

Shinar, in biblical terms, refers to the region now known as Iraq, while Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

Nimrod, son of Kush, reigned over the land of Shin’ar and built four cities named after events during the tower’s construction. The first was Babel, where Yahweh confused the language of the world. The second was Erek, where Yahweh dispersed the people. The third was Akkad, where a great battle took place. The fourth was Kalneh, where Nimrod’s princes and men were consumed, vexing Yahweh and rebelling against him. After building these cities, Nimrod placed the remaining people in them and reigned securely in Babel. His subjects called him Amraphel, saying he caused his princes and men to fall through his means. YASHAR (JASHER) 11:1-6 את CEPHER

• The U.S. has an Embassy in Iraq and has fought wars there related to 9/11 and against ISIS.

“I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘This is the measure that goes forth. This is how they appear on earth.’ Then, a disk of lead appeared, with fire in the center. He said, ‘This is wickedness.’ He cast it into the measure and placed the weight of lead on its mouth. I looked up and saw two angels with wings like storks. They lifted their measure between the earth and the heavens. I asked the angel, ‘Where are they taking the measure?’ He said, ‘To build a house in the land of Shin’ar. It will be established and set there on its own base.’”

Ya’ohdah Ban Dor has updated and posted his third article on “Brought By Ships: Part 3.” Please watch it:

Posted in To Abba Ya’ohYA'OH

◦ Tagged YA'OH calls his children to be watchmen. We should warn people of coming events.

“And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:7 Cepher Publishing Group.

JANUARY 15, 2021


One of the Ten Commandments, often overlooked, is to love each other! Why is it so important? Because it comes from our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH!

Our love for our Creator should compel us to give Him exclusive devotion and never worship idols or pagan gods.

“Elohiyim | ALA’AYM spoke all these words, saying, I am YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM, which have brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other elohiym before me.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:1-3 Cepher Publishing Group.

Photo by Alex Azabache on

“You shall not make any graven image or likeness of anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the water. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I am the LORD, your God, a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. But I show mercy to thousands who love me and guard my commandments. You shall not take my name in vain, for I will not hold you guiltless who take my name in vain.” SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:4-7 Cepher Publishing Group.

This commandment demonstrates our willingness to live by His schedule out of love and obedience.

“Remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy. Work six days, but the seventh is the Sabbath of Yahweh. On that day, you, your family, your servants, your livestock, and strangers within your gates shall not do any work. For in six days Yahweh made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore Yahweh blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:8-11. Cepher Publishing Group.

The Commandments show our love for each other!

“Honor your father and mother so that your days may be long on the land that Yahweh your God gives you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, his manservant, his maidservant, his ox, or his ass.

“When the people saw the thunder, the lightning, the noise of the shofar, and the mountain smoking, they fled and stood afar off. They said to Moses, ‘Speak to us, but let God not speak to us, lest we die.’

“Moses said to the people, ‘Fear not, for God has come to test you and to show you his fear so that you may not sin.’ The people stood afar off, and Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was.”

SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:10-21. Cepher Publishing Group.

nly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.


• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind through signs and wonders. Is He calling you to receive His sign and belong to Him?

“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14.

Some Bible decoders believe it’s time to repent, as the prophecy in Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

There’s also a war between the U.S. and Iran, with B-1 bombers leading to a nuclear confrontation.

In Zechariah Chapter 5, a flying roll is described, measuring twenty cubits in length and ten cubits in breadth. It’s said to be a curse over the entire earth, where everyone who steals or swears falsely is innocent. The angel who spoke to the prophet then said to lift up his eyes and see what was going forth.

Shinar, in biblical terms, refers to the region now known as Iraq, while Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

Nimrod, son of Kush, reigned over the land of Shin’ar and built four cities named after events during the tower’s construction. The first was Babel, where Yahweh confused the language of the world. The second was Erek, where Yahweh dispersed the people. The third was Akkad, where a great battle took place. The fourth was Kalneh, where Nimrod’s princes and men were consumed, vexing Yahweh and rebelling against him. After building these cities, Nimrod placed the remaining people in them and reigned securely in Babel. His subjects called him Amraphel, saying he caused his princes and men to fall through his means. YASHAR (JASHER) 11:1-6 את CEPHER

• The U.S. has an Embassy in Iraq and has fought wars there related to 9/11 and against ISIS.

“I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘This is the measure that goes forth. This is how they appear on earth.’ Then, a disk of lead appeared, with fire in the center. He said, ‘This is wickedness.’ He cast it into the measure and placed the weight of lead on its mouth. I looked up and saw two angels with wings like storks. They lifted their measure between the earth and the heavens. I asked the angel, ‘Where are they taking the measure?’ He said, ‘To build a house in the land of Shin’ar. It will be established and set there on its own base.’”

Ya’ohdah Ban Dor has updated and posted his third article on “Brought By Ships: Part 3.” Please watch it:

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

◦ Tagged Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen. We should warn people of coming events.

“And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:7 Cepher Publishing Group.

JANUARY 15, 2021


One of the Ten Commandments, often overlooked, is to love each other! Why is it so important? Because it comes from our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH!

Our love for our Creator should compel us to give Him exclusive devotion and never worship idols or pagan gods.

“Elohiyim | ALA’AYM spoke all these words, saying, I am YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM, which have brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other elohiym before me.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:1-3 Cepher Publishing Group.

Photo by Alex Azabache on

“You shall not make any graven image or likeness of anything in the heavens, on the earth, or in the water. You shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I am the LORD, your God, a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. But I show mercy to thousands who love me and guard my commandments. You shall not take my name in vain, for I will not hold you guiltless who take my name in vain.” SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:4-7 Cepher Publishing Group.

This commandment demonstrates our willingness to live by His schedule out of love and obedience.

• lienated us from our goal of keeping all of The Commandments Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh gave us!

“A wise man learns and gains wisdom; a man of understanding seeks wise counsel. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:5 & 7)

• Thaiodahs are testimonial scriptures aligned with the Torah of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘Ya’oh’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.


• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind through signs and wonders. Is He calling you to receive His sign and belong to Him?

“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14.

Some Bible decoders believe it’s time to repent, as the prophecy in Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

There’s also a war between the U.S. and Iran, with B-1 bombers leading to a nuclear confrontation.

In Zechariah Chapter 5, a flying roll is described, measuring twenty cubits in length and ten cubits in breadth. It’s said to be a curse over the entire earth, where everyone who steals or swears falsely is innocent. The angel who spoke to the prophet then said to lift up his eyes and see what was going forth.

Shinar, in biblical terms, refers to the region now known as Iraq, while Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

Nimrod, son of Kush, reigned over the land of Shin’ar and built four cities named after events during the tower’s construction. The first was Babel, where Yahweh confused the language of the world. The second was Erek, where Yahweh dispersed the people. The third was Akkad, where a great battle took place. The fourth was Kalneh, where Nimrod’s princes and men were consumed, vexing Yahweh and rebelling against him. After building these cities, Nimrod placed the remaining people in them and reigned securely in Babel. His subjects called him Amraphel, saying he caused his princes and men to fall through his means. YASHAR (JASHER) 11:1-6 את CEPHER

• The U.S. has an Embassy in Iraq and has fought wars there related to 9/11 and against ISIS.

“I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘This is the measure that goes forth. This is how they appear on earth.’ Then, a disk of lead appeared, with fire in the center. He said, ‘This is wickedness.’ He cast it into the measure and placed the weight of lead on its mouth. I looked up and saw two angels with wings like storks. They lifted their measure between the earth and the heavens. I asked the angel, ‘Where are they taking the measure?’ He said, ‘To build a house in the land of Shin’ar. It will be established and set there on its own base.’”

Ya’ohdah Ban Dor has updated and posted his third article on “Brought By Ships: Part 3.” Please watch it:

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

◦ Tagged Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen. We should warn people of coming events.

“And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:7 Cepher Publishing Group.

JANUARY 15, 2021


One of the Ten Commandments, often overlooked, is to love each other! Why is it so important? Because it comes from our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH!

Our love for our Creator should compel us to give Him exclusive devotion and never worship idols or pagan gods.

“Elohiyim | ALA’AYM spoke all these words, saying, I am YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM, which have brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other elohiym before me.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:1-3 Cepher Publishing Group.

• rules, which alienated us from our goal of keeping all of The Commandments Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh gave us!

“A wise man learns and gains wisdom; a man of understanding seeks wise counsel. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:5 & 7)

• Thaiodahs are testimonial scriptures aligned with the Torah of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘Ya’oh’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.


• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind through signs and wonders. Is He calling you to receive His sign and belong to Him?

“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14.

Some Bible decoders believe it’s time to repent, as the prophecy in Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

There’s also a war between the U.S. and Iran, with B-1 bombers leading to a nuclear confrontation.

In Zechariah Chapter 5, a flying roll is described, measuring twenty cubits in length and ten cubits in breadth. It’s said to be a curse over the entire earth, where everyone who steals or swears falsely is innocent. The angel who spoke to the prophet then said to lift up his eyes and see what was going forth.

Shinar, in biblical terms, refers to the region now known as Iraq, while Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

Nimrod, son of Kush, reigned over the land of Shin’ar and built four cities named after events during the tower’s construction. The first was Babel, where Yahweh confused the language of the world. The second was Erek, where Yahweh dispersed the people. The third was Akkad, where a great battle took place. The fourth was Kalneh, where Nimrod’s princes and men were consumed, vexing Yahweh and rebelling against him. After building these cities, Nimrod placed the remaining people in them and reigned securely in Babel. His subjects called him Amraphel, saying he caused his princes and men to fall through his means. YASHAR (JASHER) 11:1-6 את CEPHER

• The U.S. has an Embassy in Iraq and has fought wars there related to 9/11 and against ISIS.

“I asked, ‘What is it?’ He replied, ‘This is the measure that goes forth. This is how they appear on earth.’ Then, a disk of lead appeared, with fire in the center. He said, ‘This is wickedness.’ He cast it into the measure and placed the weight of lead on its mouth. I looked up and saw two angels with wings like storks. They lifted their measure between the earth and the heavens. I asked the angel, ‘Where are they taking the measure?’ He said, ‘To build a house in the land of Shin’ar. It will be established and set there on its own base.’”

Ya’ohdah Ban Dor has updated and posted his third article on “Brought By Ships: Part 3.” Please watch it:

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

◦ Tagged Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen. We should warn people of coming events.

“And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:7 Cepher Publishing Group.

JANUARY 15, 2021


One of the Ten Commandments, often overlooked, is to love each other! Why is it so important? Because it comes from our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH!

s advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.


• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind through signs and wonders. Is He calling you to receive His sign and belong to Him?

“Many are called, but few are chosen.” Matthew 22:14.

Some Bible decoders believe it’s time to repent, as the prophecy in Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

There’s also a war between the U.S. and Iran, with B-1 bombers leading to a nuclear confrontation.

In Zechariah Chapter 5, a flying roll is described, measuring twenty cubits in length and ten cubits in breadth. It’s said to be a curse over the entire earth, where everyone who steals or swears falsely is innocent. The angel who spoke to the prophet then said to lift up his eyes and see what was going forth.

Shinar, in biblical terms, refers to the region now known as Iraq, while Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

• h of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘Ya’oh’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.


• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind through signs and wonders. Is He calling you to receive His sign and belong to Him?

• at We’ve redirected,,, Yaoh.US, and Yahuah.US to this site because we want all visitors to understand that we’ve used modern Biblical Hebrew as far as possible.

• This led us down paths where we could never know our Almighty Creator or His only begotten Son’s true Hebrew names.

• “My Father and I are one.” “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and bring everything to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.” John 10:30 & 14:26. Cepher Publishing Group.

Yah’oh | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, & Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, are the original Ancient Ghabaray Hebrew Names!

• Yahuah | יהוה, & Yahusha | יהושע, were the best we could do using modern Masoretic Hebrew pronunciation rules, which alienated us from our goal of keeping all of The Commandments Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh gave us!

“A wise man learns and gains wisdom; a man of understanding seeks wise counsel. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:5 & 7)

• Thaiodahs are testimonial scriptures aligned with the Torah of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘Ya’oh’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.

• Abib, the first month of the Hebrew calendar, marks Ya’oh’s New Year. Read Leviticus Chapter 23 to understand Ya’oh’s expectations for the Feast days. Animal sacrifices and Temple requirements are no longer observed in Jerusalem. Our Savior Ya’ohshai, our Anointed King and High Priest, is also our Passover.

• Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and bring everything to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.” John 10:30 & 14:26. Cepher Publishing Group.

Yah’oh | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, & Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, are the original Ancient Ghabaray Hebrew Names!

• Yahuah | יהוה, & Yahusha | יהושע, were the best we could do using modern Masoretic Hebrew pronunciation rules, which alienated us from our goal of keeping all of The Commandments Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh gave us!

“A wise man learns and gains wisdom; a man of understanding seeks wise counsel. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:5 & 7)

• Thaiodahs are testimonial scriptures aligned with the Torah of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘Ya’oh’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya’oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be watchmen, warning the people to turn back to his way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai, who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It’s an honor to represent YA’OH and warn others of what’s to come.

• nd bring everything to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.” John 10:30 & 14:26. Cepher Publishing Group.

Yah’oh | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, & Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, are the original Ancient Ghabaray Hebrew Names!

• Yahuah | יהוה, & Yahusha | יהושע, were the best we could do using modern Masoretic Hebrew pronunciation rules, which alienated us from our goal of keeping all of The Commandments Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh gave us!

“A wise man learns and gains wisdom; a man of understanding seeks wise counsel. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:5 & 7)

• Thaiodahs are testimonial scriptures aligned with the Torah of Yahweh.

Those who teach the original Ancient Paleo Ghabaray Hebrew recommend learning Hebrew from Yahweh Ban Dor.

We have a link to his website in the article “Is the Almighty Creator’s True Name ‘Ya’oh’ | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, or ‘Yahuah’| יהוה?”

• Unfortunately, we couldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• Verify this by reading the original King James Version 1611 Edition.

• Read the recent post excerpt here on this website about the history of the letter “J.”

• When Jesus died on the cross, “English” wasn’t one of the three languages posted.

“A superscription was written over him in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” Luke 23:38.

“Ghabaray Hebrew” is the ancient language dating back to Adam, our first father.

• It also indicates Jesus, from the nation of Judah and the tribe of Judah.

• We’ll explore this further to find the truth.

• Welcome to our site. Come back often.

Good company makes the journey shorter. — Izaak Walton

• ouldn’t find the correct Paleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

The prophet Enoch is also mentioned in the book of Judah verses 14 & 15.

“Chanok, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, Yahweh comes with ten thousands of his holy ones to judge all and convince all the wicked of their wicked deeds and hard speeches against him.”

Earlier Bible editions had more books than current translations, with 66 books.

• You’ll learn much by reading these lost or hidden Bible books!

• One interesting fact is that the letter “J” wasn’t used in the original Bible writings.

• “Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian, is credited with introducing the letter “J” in 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J,” wasn’t a letter. Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ and the consonant sound /j/.

• It took about 1,524 years after Jesus began his life on Earth for the letter “J” to take its current form!”

• aleo Ghabaray fonts for our website, so some letters may differ from those taught by Yahweh Ban Dor.

“Wait upon Me, says Yahweh, until the day I rise up to plunder. My determination is to gather the nations and assemble all kingdoms to pour upon them My indignation and fierce anger. Then I will return to the people a pure, clean language so they may all call upon Yahweh’s name and serve Him with one mind.” (Zephaniah 3:8 & 9)

This quotation is from Restoration Scripture True Name Edition.

The seed of Ya’ohsharal, don’t give up your birthright!

Our Heavenly Father Ya’oh has chosen you to be His Family. Examine the Scriptures to know the Truth!

It starts with Abram and extends to this moment. Some argue it goes back to Adam!

Abba Ya’oh could have chosen any offspring, but He chose you to be His Children and establish His Covenant with you. He gave you His Laws, Instructions, and Thorah to live by. The Scriptures are your Life Manual, impacting your present, past, and future.

Even Biblical History belongs to you! Attempts to hide your past and future are evident.

Some cherish the unique relationship you possess, believing Abba Ya’oh listens to you, answers your prayers, and believes in you. Others are oblivious to this relationship, focusing only on the present and its impacts. 

Satan seeks to keep you ignorant about this relationship, wanting you to lose your Everlasting Future. He doesn’t want you to live; he lied to Eve, who gave life to all. Adam provided the seed, but Abba YA’OH develops you into the person He wants you to be.

The Apocrypha, or Hidden Books, were removed from the Bible because those who formed their religions knew they identify the True Children of YA’OH.

Don’t let anyone take away your connection to your Heavenly Father YA’OH! Read the Bible as an instruction manual from Him to help you. Listen to His advice; it should be your go-to book because Abba Ya’oh wants you to know the Truth and live in His Light, not the darkness and confusion Satan offers.

Black Lives matter because you are the Seed of Abra(ha)m!

Remember Esau’s betrayal of his Birthright? Let’s examine this to avoid making the same mistakes and choosing better daily lives. YA’OH values every aspect of your life.

Based on Abba Ya’oh’s teachings, we can now walk with Him and follow His advice, free from the darkness and ignorance of Satan.

In the beginning, all of Earth’s Creation spoke the same language.

“On the sixth day of the second week, according to the Word of Ala’aym | ELOHIYM, we brought all the beasts, cattle, birds, and everything that moves on the earth and in the water, according to their kinds and types: the beasts on the first day; the cattle on the second day; the birds on the third day; and all that moves on the earth on the fourth day; and that which moves in the water on the fifth day. Adam named them all by their respective names, and as he called them, so was their name.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“This is the Torah and testimony written down for Yeshua, so that they should observe all the days. In the first week of the first jubilee, Adam and his wife were in the Garden of Eden for seven years, tilling and guarding it. We gave him work and instructed him to do everything suitable for tillage. He tilled the garden, was naked, and knew it not, and was not ashamed. He protected the garden from birds, beasts, and cattle, gathered its fruit, ate, and saved some for himself and his wife. After the seven years, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the serpent approached the woman and said, “Has Almighty God commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?’” She said, “Of all the fruit of the trees of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘Eat;’ but of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, Almighty God has said to us, ‘You shall not eat thereof, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” The serpent said, “You shall not surely die. For Almighty God knows that on the day you shall eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as gods, knowing good and evil.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:15-20.

“On that day when Adam left the Garden, he offered frankincense, galbanum, stacte, and spices in the morning. All beasts, cattle, birds, and other creatures could no longer speak because they had all spoken one language. He sent all the flesh in the Garden to its respective places. He gave Adam all the beasts and cattle to cover his shame. Because of this, the heavenly tablets instruct those who know the Torah to cover their shame and not uncover themselves like the other nations. On the New Moon of the fourth month, Adam and his wife left the Garden and lived in the land of Elda, their creation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 Cepher Publishing Group.

In today’s world, we want to bring you refreshing truths and enlighten you with the Word, even from hidden books and verses.

• We believe in doing our homework to avoid being misled.

• For nearly two decades, we sought the truth because we were misled.

• We visited libraries and searched the internet deeply.

We thought it was important to learn Hebrew, as the message was often lost or partially concealed.

For example, the books written by the scribe Baruk and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write.

“Yirmeyahu called Baruk the son of Neriyahu and instructed him to read the words of YAHUAH from a scroll of parchment to the people in YAHUAH’s house during fasting. Baruk obeyed and read the words aloud to all Judahites who returned from their cities. It was hoped that they would repent and turn from their evil ways, as YAHUAH’s anger and fury against them were great. Baruk read the scroll as commanded by Yirmeyahu.”

YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Some books, such as Enoch, Chanok, Jasher, Yashar, Jubilees, Yovheliym, Maccabees, and the Book of Baruk, also contain similar passages.

For example, the book Sepher of Enoch in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“O Chanok, behold the cepher of the tablets of heaven, which have descended gradually. Read its contents and understand every part. I read the cepher and everything written in it, all human works and the descendants of flesh on earth throughout the ages. Immediately, I blessed Yahweh, the King of glory, who has forever formed the entire workmanship of the world.”


“I glorified Yahweh because of his longsuffering and blessing toward the world. I said, Blessed is the righteous and good man, whose record of crimes is empty and whose iniquity is not found. Then the three holy ones appeared and placed me on the earth before my house. They told me to explain everything to Methushelach your son and inform all your children that no flesh shall be justified before Yahweh, their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 Cepher Publishing Group.

rewithal to cover his shame, of all the beasts and cattle. On this account, it is prescribed on the heavenly tablets as touching all those who know the judgment of the Torah, that they should cover their shame, and should not uncover themselves as the other nations uncover themselves. And on the New Moon of the fourth month, A’dam and his woman went forth from the Garden of Eden, and they dwelt in the land of Elda in the land of their creation.“ YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 3:28-33 את Cepher Publishing Group.

With so much going on today, we desired to bring refreshing Truths to you and enlighten you with the Word, even from books & verses that may have been kept from you, such as the one from above!

• We believe in performing due diligence, doing our homework, so that no one is misled or deceived.

• For nearly two decades we decided to find out for ourselves the real truth because we were misled in so many ways.

• We visited libraries and performed in-depth searches on the internet.

We thought it was very important to learn the Hebrew languages…often the message was lost or partially concealed.

Take for instance the books the scribe Baruk wrote and the prophet YirmeYah | YirmeYahu told him to write:

“It may be that the house of Yahudah will hear את eth all the evil which I purpose to do unto them; that they may return every man from his evil way; that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin. Then Yirmeyahu called את eth- Baruk the son of Neriyahu: and Baruk wrote from the mouth of Yirmeyahu את eth all the words of YAHUAH, which he had spoken unto him, upon a roll of a cepher. And Yirmeyahu commanded את eth- Baruk, saying, I am shut up; I cannot go into the house of YAHUAH: Therefore go, and read in the roll, which you have written from my mouth, את eth-the words of YAHUAH in the ears of the people in YAHUAH’S house upon the fasting day: and also you shall read them in the ears of all Yahudah that come out of their cities. It may be they will present their supplication before YAHUAH, and will return everyone from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that YAHUAH has pronounced against this people. And Baruk the son of Neriyahu did according to all that Yirmeyahu the prophet commanded him, reading in the cepher the words of YAHUAH in YAHUAH’S house.” YIRMEYAHU (JEREMIAH) 36:3-8 את Cepher Publishing Group

• Even some of the Books such as Enoch | Chanok; Jasher | Yashar;  Jubilees | Yovheliym; Maccabees | Makkabiym; as well as, the Books of Baruk.

For instance, the book | Sepher of Enoch | Chanok in Chapter 81:1-8 states: 

“HE said, O Chanok, look on the cepher of the tablets of heaven which have gradually dropped down; and, reading that which is written in it, understand every part of it. Then I looked on all which was written, and understood all, reading the cepher and everything written in it, all the works of man; And of all the children of flesh upon earth, during the generations of the world. Immediately after I blessed  Ya’oh |𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 YAHUAH the King of glory, who has thus forever formed the whole workmanship of the world.“


“And I glorified YAHUAH, on account of his longsuffering and blessing towards the children of the world. At that time I said, Blessed is the man, who shall die righteous and good, against whom no catalogue of crime has been written, and with whom iniquity is not found. Then those three holy ones caused me to approach, and placed me on the earth, before the door of my house. And they said unto me, Explain everything to Methushelach your son; and inform all your children, that no flesh shall be justified before YAHUAH; for he is their Creator.” CHANOK (ENOCH) 81:1-8 את Cepher Publishing Group.

• Explain everything… and inform all your children, that no flesh shall be justified before Ya’oh | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄; for he is their Creator.

The prophet Chanok | Enoch is also referred to in the book of Ya’ohdah | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤃𐤄 | Yahudah | Jude verses 14 & 15.

“And Chanok also, the seventh from A’dam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, YAHUAH comes with ten thousands of his qodeshiym, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are wicked among them of all their wicked deeds which they have wickedly committed, and of all their hard speeches which wicked sinners have spoken against him.” Ya’ohdah | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤃𐤄  | YAHUDAH (JUDE) 1:14-15 את Cepher Publishing Group.

Earlier Editions of the Bible had far more books than the current translations with 66 books.

• You’d be surprised what you will learn by reading these lost or hidden books of the Bible!

• One truth you might be pleased to know about is the letter “J“, is not a letter used in the original writings of the Bible.

• “When was the letter “J” invented? Most recently, Gian Giorgio Trissino was given credit for the change, as far back as 1524. In the Roman alphabet, the English alphabet’s father, “J” wasn’t a letter. … Both letters were used interchangeably to write the vowel sound /i/ (like the “i” in igloo) and the consonant sound /j/ (like the “y” in yes). Then along came Gian Giorgio Trissino, a grammarian who wanted to reform Italian linguistics.

• It took approximately 1,524 years after our savior Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏  began his life here on Earth in the flesh, for the letter “J” to be used in its current form!

• You should be able to verify this for yourself by reading a copy of the original King James Version 1611 Edition. 

• Please read the recent post excerpt here on this website that goes into some of the history of the letter “J.”

• When our savior Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏  Ha’Mashiach died on his execution stake, i.e. cross, “English”, was not one of the three languages posted!

“And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Yavaniy, and Latin, and Ivriyt, THIS IS THE KING OF THE YAHUDIYM.” LUQAS (LUKE) 23:38 את Cepher Publishing Group.

In summary, “Ghabaray Hebrew”, is the Ancient language that dates back to Adam, our first Earthly father.

• The same one that indicates Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, is from the nation of Ya’ohsharal | 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋, and from the tribe of Ya’ohdah | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤃𐤄!

• Later, we will delve more into this matter as it helps to identify the truth.

• Again, welcome to our site and come back as often as you like.

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Posted in To Abba Ya'oh

Tagged This is dedicated to Our Heavenly Father Ya'oh.

The Watchman’s Calling!

Abba Ya’oh calls his children to be a Watchman for him. We must warn the people so that All can turn back to his Way. Repent and accept his Son Ya’ohshai who will soon return.

DECEMBER 20, 2018


It is an awesome privilege to represent YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, and warn others of things to come.

The month of Abib starts the begining of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | Ya’oh’s New Year! He is the one who determines when it begins.

• Please read Wayiqra | Leviticus Chapter 23 so that you know what Ya’oh expects his children to do during these Feast days.

• We no longer have the animal sacrifices and the Temple requirements at Yaroshalam | 𐤉𐤓𐤅𐤔𐤋𐤌, in Ya’ohsharal.

• Our Savior Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏, is our Anointed King and High Priest, as well as our Passover | Pesach!

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Remember that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄, deals with mankind with signs and wonders. Is He calling you to have His sign upon you? Do you belong to Him?

“For many are called, but few are chosen.” MATTITHYAHU (MATTHEW) 22:14 את.

These are 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | Ya’ohshai words! As quoted by the Cepher Publishing Group.

It’s interesting to report, some who are Bible decoders state it is now time to Repent! Warning the prophecy in Zachar-Ya’oh | ZakarYahu | Zechariah Chapter 5 is about to be fulfilled.

War between The U.S. & Iran…B1 Bombers leading to Nuclear confrontation.

“Then I turned, and lifted up my eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. And he said unto me, What do you see? And I answered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth: for everyone that steals is innocent according to her; and everyone that swears is innocent according to her. I will bring her forth, says YAHUAH TSEVA’OTH, and she shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that swears falsely by my name: and she shall remain in the midst of this house, and she shall finish it, את eth-its timber and את eth-its stones. Then the angel that talked with me went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now your eyes, and see what is this that goes forth.” Zachar-Ya’oh | ZAKARYAHU (ZECHARIAH) 5:1-5 את Cepher Publishing Group.

As a reminder, Shin’ar, biblically speaking, refers to the Babylonian region known today as Iraq, whereas the region called Persia is now Iran.

Nimrod built the Tower of Babel in this region.

“AND Nimrod son of Kush was still in the land of Shin’ar, and he reigned over it and dwelt there, and he built cities in the land of Shin’ar. And these are the names of the four cities which he built, and he called their names after the occurrences that happened to them in the building of the tower. And he called the first Babel, saying, Because YAHUAH there confounded the language of the whole earth; and the name of the second he called Erek, because from there ELOHIYM dispersed them. And the third he called Akkad, saying there was a great battle at that place; and the fourth he called Kalneh, because his princes and mighty men were consumed there, and they vexed YAHUAH, they rebelled and transgressed against him. And when Nimrod had built these cities in the land of Shin’ar, he placed in them the remainder of his people, his princes and his mighty men that were left in his kingdom. And Nimrod dwelt in Babel, and he there renewed his reign over the rest of his subjects, and he reigned securely, and the subjects and princes of Nimrod called his name Amraphel, saying that at the tower his princes and men fell through his means.” YASHAR (JASHER) 11:1-6 את CEPHER

• The U.S. has built an Embassy in Iraq and has already fought wars there pertaining to 9-11-2001 as well as against ISIS.

“And I said, What is it? And he said, This is the measure that goes forth. He said moreover, This is how they appear through all the earth. And, behold, there was lifted up a disk of lead: and there a fire sits in the midst of the measure. And he said, This is wickedness. And he cast it into the midst of the measure; and he cast את eth-the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof. Then lifted I up my eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came out two of them, the wind in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork: and they lifted up their measure between the earth and the heavens. Then said I to the angel that talked with me, where are they causing את eth-the measure to go? And he said unto me, To build it a house in the land of Shin’ar: and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.” Zachar-Ya’oh | ZAKARYAHU (ZECHARIAH) 5:6-11 את Cepher Publishing Group.

Please notice, Ya’ohdah Ban Dor has updated and posted his third article on:

Brought By Ships: Part 3. He hid you in plain sight. Please watch it.

Posted in To Abba Ya'oh

◦ Tagged Ya'oh calls his children to be a Watchman. We should warn the people of coming events.

“And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:7 את Cepher Publishing Group.

JANUARY 15, 2021


One of the Ten Foundational Commandments often overlooked is To Love each other! And Why is it so important? Because it comes from our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH!

The following applies to our love for our Creator. Our Love for Him would move us to give Him Exclusive Devotion and never worship idols or pagan “gods”.

“AND ELOHIYM | ALA’AYM spoke את eth all these words, saying, I am YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM, which have brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other elohiym before me.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:1-3 את Cepher Publishing Group.

Photo by Alex Azabache on

“You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA | your ALA’AYM am a jealous EL, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and guard my commandments. You shall not take את eth-the name of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA| your ALA’AYM in vain; for YAHUAH will not hold him guiltless את eth that takes את eth-his name in vain.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:4-7 את Cepher Publishing Group.

This next Commandment shows our willingness to live our lives by His schedule because we love Him and want to obey Him.

“Remember את eth-the day of the Shabbath, to keep it holy. Six days shall you labour, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the Shabbath of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA| your ALA’AYM in it you shall not do any work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger that is within your gates: For in six days YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH made את eth-the heavens and את eth-the earth, את eth-the sea, and את eth-all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH blessed את eth-the day of Shabbath, and hallowed it.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:8-11 את Cepher Publishing Group.

What follows are the Commandments that prove our love for each other!

“Honour את eth-your father and את eth-your mother: that your days may be long upon the land which YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHAYKA| your ALA’AYM gives you. You shall not kill. You shall not break wedlock. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. You shall not lust after your neighbour’s house, you shall not lust after your neighbour’s woman, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is your neighbour’s. And all the people saw את eth-the thunderings, and את eth-the lightnings, and את eth-the noise of the shofar, and את eth-the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. And they said unto Mosheh, Speak with us, and we will hear: but let not ELOHIYM speak with us, lest we die. And Mosheh said unto the people, Fear not: for ELOHIYM | ALA’AYM  is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. And the people stood afar off, and Mosheh drew near unto the thick darkness where ELOHIYM was.”  SHEMOTH (EXODUS) 20:10-21 את Cepher Publishing Group.

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Prior to the time when Abba YA’OH gave the Ten Commandments to Mashah | Moses, “Rebecca”, the mother of the twins, “Esau & Jacob,” is recorded as having this conversation with her family:

“AND in the first year of the first week of the forty fifth jubilee Rivqah called Ya`aqov, her son, and commanded him regarding his father and regarding his brother, that he should honour them all the days of his life. And Ya`aqov said: I will do everything as you have commanded me; for this thing will be honour and greatness to me, and righteousness before YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH, that I should honour them.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 35:1-2 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And she said unto him: ‘My son, I have not seen in you all my days any perverse but only upright deeds. And yet I will tell you the Truth, my son: I shall die this year, and I shall not survive this year in my life; for I have seen in a dream the day of my death, that I should not live beyond a hundred and fifty five years: and behold I have completed all the days of my life which I am to live.’ And Ya`aqov laughed at the words of his mother. Because his mother had said unto him that she should die; and she was sitting opposite to him in possession of her strength, and she was not infirm in her strength; for she went in and out and saw, and her teeth were strong, and no ailment had touched her all the days of her life. And Ya`aqov said unto her: Blessed am I, mother, if my days approach the days of your life, and my strength remain with me thus as your strength: and you will not die, for you are jesting idly with me regarding your death.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 35:6-8 את Cepher Publishing Group.

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“And she went in to Yitschaq and said unto him: One petition I make unto you: make Esau swear that he will not injure Ya`aqov, nor pursue him with enmity; for you know Esau’s thoughts that they are perverse from his youth, and there is no goodness in him; for he desires after your death to kill him. And you know all that he has done since the day Ya`aqov his brother went to Haran until this day: how he has forsaken us with his whole heart, and has done evil to us; your flocks he has taken to himself, and carried off all your possessions from before your face. And when we implored and besought him for what was our own, he did as a man who was taking pity on us. And he is bitter against you because you did bless Ya`aqov your perfect and upright son; for there is no evil but only goodness in him, and since he came from Haran unto this day he has not robbed us of anything, for he brings us everything in its season always, and rejoices with all his heart when we take at his hands and he blesses us, and has not parted from us since he came from Haran until this day, and he remains with us continually at home honouring us. And Yitschaq said unto her: I, too, know and see the deeds of Ya`aqov who is with us, how that with all his heart he honours us; but I loved Esau formerly more than Ya`aqov, because he was the firstborn; but now I love Ya`aqov more than Esau, for he has done manifold evil deeds, and there is no righteousness in him, for all his ways are unrighteousness and violence, and there is no righteousness around him. And now my heart is troubled because of all his deeds, and neither he nor his seed is to be saved, for they are those who will be destroyed from the earth and who will be rooted out from under heaven, for he has forsaken the ELOHIYM  | ALA’AYM of  Abra(ha)m | Avraham and gone after his women and after their uncleanness and after their error, he and his children.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 35:9-14 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And you do bid me make him swear that he will not slay Ya`aqov | Ya’ohsharal | Yisrael  his brother; even if he swear he will not abide by his oath, and he will not do good but evil only. But if he desires to slay Ya`aqov, his brother, into Ya`aqov’s hands will he be given, and he will not escape from his hands, for he will descend into his hands.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 35:15-16  את Cepher Publishing Group.

 “And fear you not on account of Ya`aqov; for the guardian of Ya`aqov is great and powerful and honoured, and praised more than the guardian of Esau.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 35:17 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And Rivqah sent and called Esau and he came to her, and she said unto him: ‘I have a petition, my son, to make unto you, and do you promise to do it, my son.’ And he said: ‘I will do everything that you say unto me, and I will not refuse your petition.’ And she said unto him: I ask you that the day I die, you will take me in and bury me near Sarah, your father’s mother, and that you and Ya`aqov will love each other and that neither will desire evil against the other, but mutual love only, and so ye will prosper, my sons, and be honoured in the midst of the land, and no enemy will rejoice over you, and ye will be a blessing and a mercy in the eyes of all those that love you. And he said: ‘I will do all that you have told me, and I shall bury you on the day you die near Sarah, my father’s mother, as you have desired that her bones may be near your bones. And Ya`aqov, my brother, also, I shall love above all flesh; for I have not a brother in all the earth but him only: and this is no great merit for me if I love him; for he is my brother, and we were sown together in your body, and together came we forth from your womb, and if I do not love my brother, whom shall I love? And I, myself, beg you to exhort Ya`aqov concerning me and concerning my sons, for I know that he will assuredly be king over me and my sons, for on the day my father blessed him he made him the higher and me the lower. And I swear unto you that I shall love him, and not desire evil against him all the days of my life but good only.’ And he swore unto her regarding all this matter. And she called Ya`aqov before the eyes of Esau, and gave him commandment according to the words which she had spoken to Esau. And he said: ‘I shall do your pleasure; believe me that no evil will proceed from me or from my sons against Esau, and I shall be first in nought save in love only.’ And they ate and drank, she and her sons that night, and she died, three jubilees and one week and one year old, on that night, and her two sons, Esau and Ya`aqov, buried her in the double cave near Sarah, their father’s mother.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 35:18-27 את Cepher Publishing Group.

When the time came for “Issac” to die he had the following conversation with his twin sons:

“AND in the sixth year of this week Yitschaq called his two sons Esau and Ya`aqov, and they came to him, and he said unto them: My sons, I am going the way of my fathers, to the eternal house where my fathers are. Wherefore bury me near Avraham my father, in the double cave in the field of Ephron the Chittiy, where Avraham purchased a sepulchre to bury in; in the sepulchre which I dug for myself, there bury me. And this I command you, my sons, that ye practice righteousness and uprightness on the earth, so that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH may bring upon you all that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH said that he would do to Avraham and to his seed. And love one another, my sons, your brothers as a man who loves his own soul, and let each seek in what he may benefit his brother, and act together on the earth; and let them love each other as their own souls. And concerning the question of idols, I command and admonish you to reject them and hate them, and love them not, for they are full of deception for those that worship them and for those that bow down to them. Remember ye, my sons, YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH ELOHIYM ALA’AYM of Avraham your father, and how I too worshipped him and served him in righteousness and in joy, that he might multiply you and increase your seed as the stars of heaven in multitude, and establish you on the earth as the plant of righteousness which will not be rooted out unto all the generations forever. And now I shall make you swear a great oath for there is no oath which is greater than it by the name glorious and honoured and great and splendid and wonderful and mighty, which created the heavens and the earth and all things together that ye will fear him and worship him.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:1-7. את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And that each will love his brother with affection and righteousness, and that neither will desire evil against his brother from henceforth forever all the days of your life so that ye may prosper in all your deeds and not be destroyed. And if either of you devises evil against his brother, know that from henceforth everyone that devises evil against his brother shall fall into his hand, and shall be rooted out of the land of the living, and his seed shall be destroyed from under heaven. But on the day of turbulence and execration and indignation and anger, with flaming devouring fire as he burnt Cedom, so likewise will he burn his land and his city and all that is his, and he shall be blotted out of the cepher of the discipline of the children of men, and not be recorded in the cepher of life, but in that which is appointed to destruction, and he shall depart into eternal execration; so that their condemnation may be always renewed in hate and in execration and in wrath and in torment and in indignation and in plagues and in disease forever. I say and testify to you, my sons, according to the judgment which shall come upon the man who wishes to injure his brother. And he divided all his possessions between the two on that day and he gave the larger portion to him that was the firstborn, and the tower and all that was about it, and all that Avraham possessed at the Well of the Oath.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:8-12 את Cepher Publishing Group.

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“And he said: ‘This larger portion I will give to the firstborn.’ And Esau said: I have sold to Ya`aqov and given my birthright to Ya`aqov; to him let it be given, and I have not a single word to say regarding it, for it is his. And Yitschaq said, May a blessing rest upon you, my sons, and upon your seed this day, for ye have given me rest, and my heart is not pained concerning the birthright, lest you should work wickedness on account of it. May EL ELYON | The Most High AL bless the man that works righteousness, him and his seed forever.’ And he ended commanding them and blessing them, and they ate and drank together before him, and he rejoiced because there was one mind between them, and they went forth from him and rested that day and slept. And Yitschaq slept on his bed that day rejoicing; and he slept the eternal sleep, and died one hundred and eighty years old. he completed twenty five weeks and five years; and his two sons Esau and Ya`aqov buried him.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:13-18 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And Esau went to the land of Edom, to the mountains of Se`iyr, and dwelt there. And Ya`aqov dwelt in the mountains of Chevron, in the tower of the land of the sojournings of his father Avraham, and he worshipped YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH with all his heart and according to the visible commands according as he had divided the days of his generations. And Le’ah his woman died in the fourth year of the second week of the forty fifth jubilee, and he buried her in the double cave near Rivqah his mother to the left of the grave of Sarah, his father’s mother and all her sons and his sons came to mourn over Le’ah his woman with him and to comfort him regarding her, for he was lamenting her for he loved her exceedingly after Rachel her sister died; For she was perfect and upright in all her ways and honoured Ya`aqov, and all the days that she lived with him he did not hear from her mouth a harsh word, for she was gentle and peaceable and upright and honourable. And he remembered all her deeds which she had done during her life and he lamented her exceedingly; for he loved her with all his heart and with all his soul.”  YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 36:19-23 את Cepher Publishing Group.

The Apostle “Paul” also admonished us to show love to each other with the following:

“PA’AL, and Cilonoc, and Timotheus, unto the called out assembly of the Tasloniqiym in YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH our Father and ADONAI | Master  Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH: Grace unto you, and peace, from YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH our Father and the ADONAI | Master Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH | The Anointed. We are bound to thank YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH always for you, brethren, as it is meet, because that your belief grows exceedingly, and the love of everyone of you all toward each other abounds; So that we ourselves glory in you in the called out assemblies of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH for your patience and belief in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure: Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH, that ye may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH, for which ye also suffer: Seeing it is a righteous thing with YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;”. TASLONIQIYM SHENIY (2 THESSALONIANS) 1:1-6 את Cepher Publishing Group.

Abba YA’OH’s Children today, unlike when the nation of Ya’ohsharal first started, are truly a nation comprised of every race. Our genes, or “Seed” as he describes them, have expanded into all races in part due to the effects originally from slavery. Abba YA’OH has indeed blessed his family and accomplished His will. All that remains is to “Love one another” as we await the arrival of the Kingdom that his “Beloved Son”, Ya’ohshai taught us to pray for.

“And to you who are troubled rest with us, when ADONAI Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | YAHUSHA shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH, and that obey not the Besorah of our ADONAI Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH, and from the glory of his power; When he shall come to be glorified in his qodeshiym, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day. Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our YAH would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of belief with power: That the name of our ADONAI Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH and ADONAI Ya’ohshai | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤏 | YAHUSHA HA’MASHIACH.”  TASLONIQIYM SHENIY (2 THESSALONIANS) 1:7-12 את Cepher Publishing Group.

May our Heavenly Father, Abba YA’OH bless your love for his family as we all strive to live by His Commandments.



“Your eyes saw my unformed body, And in Your Book all of them were written, While none was among them.” HalleluYah Scriptures Bible.

JANUARY 11, 2021


Abba YA’OH chose the Seed of Abra(ha)m to be his inheritance.

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“For I know that YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH will choose him to be a people for possession unto himself, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 19:18 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And that all the seed of his sons should be the other nations, and be reckoned with the other nations; but from the sons of Yitschaq one should become a holy seed, and should not be reckoned among the other nations. For he should become the portion of EL ELYON | The Most High AL, and all his seed had fallen into the possession of ALA’AYM | ELOHIYM, that it should be unto YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH a people for his possession above all nations and that it should become a kingdom and priests and a holy nation.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 16:17-18 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“Only YA’OH | 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 | YAHUAH had a delight in your fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day.” Dabaraym | DEVARIYM (DEUTERONOMY) 10:15 את Cepher Publishing Group.

“And do you write for yourself all these words which I declare unto you this day, for I know their rebellion and their stiff neck, before I bring them into the land of which I swore to their fathers, to Avraham and to Yitschaq and to Ya`aqov, saying: Unto your seed will I give a land flowing with milk and honey. And they will eat and be satisfied, and they will turn to strange elohiym, to elohiym which cannot deliver them from ought of their tribulation: and this witness shall be heard for a witness against them. For they will forget all my commandments, even all that I command them, and they will walk after the other nations, and after their uncleanness, and after their shame, and will serve their elohiym, and these will prove unto them an offence and a tribulation and an affliction and a snare. And many will perish and they will be taken captive, and will fall into the hands of the enemy, because they have forsaken my ordinances and my commandments, and the feasts of my covenant, and my Shabbathoth, and my holy place which I have sanctified for myself in their midst, and my Tabernacle, and my sanctuary, which I have sanctified for myself in the midst of the land, that I should set my name upon it, and that it should dwell there. And they will make to themselves high places and Asherah poles and graven images, and they will worship, each his own graven image, so as to go astray, and they will sacrifice their children to devils, and to all the works of the error of their hearts. And I will send witnesses unto them, that I may witness against them, but they will not hear, and will slay the witnesses also, and they will persecute those who seek the Thorah |Torah, and they will abrogate and change everything so as to work evil before my eyes.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 1:8-13 את Cepher Publishing Group.

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“And he gave us a great sign, the Shabbath, that we should work six days, but guard the Shabbath on the seventh day from all work. And all the angels of the presence, and all the angels of sanctification, these two great classes he has bidden us to guard the Shabbath with him in heaven and on earth. And he said unto us: Behold, I will separate unto myself a people from among all the peoples, and these shall guard the Shabbath, and I will sanctify them unto myself as my people, and will bless them; as I have sanctified the Shabbath and do sanctify it unto myself, even so will I bless them, and they shall be my people and I will be their ALA’AYM | ELOHIYM. And I have chosen the seed of Ya`aqov from amongst all that I have seen, and have written him down as my firstborn son, and have sanctified him unto myself forever and ever; and I will teach them the Shabbath, that they may guard the Shabbath thereon from all work. And thus he created therein a sign in accordance with which they should guard the Shabbath with us on the seventh day, to eat and to drink, and to bless him who has created all things as he has blessed and sanctified unto himself a peculiar people above all peoples, and that they should guard the Shabbath together with us.” YOVHELIYM (JUBILEES) 2:18-22 את Cepher Publishing Group.

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